East Texas Peace Officers Association
Annual Fish Fry & Membership Drive
Sponsored by: The Lowery Family
R & K Distributors, Nacogdoches, Texas
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 @
Attoyac Farms off FM 1196
San Augustine County
Schedule of Events
3:30 pm
Secretary’s Table Opens to Pay Dues,
Association Shirts & Caps Available
4:00 pm
ETPOA Board Meeting w/ Past Presidents
5:00 pm
Catfish Dinner w/ All the Trimmings
6:30 – 7:00 pm
Presentation of Recognitions & Presidents Fish Fryer
50/50 Raffle Drawing
From Lufkin:
Attoyac Farm can be reached by driving out 103 East past Etoile and the Attoyac River until you come to a flashing yellow caution light. At the light turn left onto FM 1277 and go 1.8 miles, turn left on FM 1196 and go 3.4 miles, turn left thru the pipe fence and follow the dirt drive about .5 mile to the lake and house.
From San Augustine or Center:
From US 96, Take State Hwy 21 West toward Nacogdoches. Go approximately 10 miles. Turn left on FM 1196 and go approximately 3 miles. Turn right thru pipe fence and follow the dirt drive about .5 mile to the lake and house.